European Steamwheedle Cartel

Hordecrest small Elder Al'jin Junglewalker
Image of Elder Al'jin Junglewalker
Title(s) Elder
Gender Male
Race Troll
Class Death Knight formely Mage
Age 21 (Troll Years)
Alignment Neutral Good
Affiliation Fireaxe Clan
Occupation Elder
Status Alive
Relative(s) None-All within Other Troll Tribes.Adopted by Akoras.


Elder Al'jin Jungle Walker

Physical Traits[]

comming soon

Race and Class[]

Troll Death Knight


Fireaxe Clan


Elder of the Fireaxe Clan


None Known


I was abandoned as a child in Stranglethorn,but an Orc Hunting party,Led by a Chieftain named Akoras,found me and raised me as his own.So I lived with him in Orgrimmar and after I was older I was brought into the Elder Council (Recently)as a Mage Elder but I have now turned to the Darker Art of Death Knight.Now I reside with my adopted-father in Grommash Hold,leading Hunting parties.

Family Background[]

Only known Realative is Akoras his adopted Father

Criminal Record[]


Personal Notes[]

Not yet

Current Status[]

How the Alive


  • He is the youngest Elder of the Clan ever to be
  • He has never seen Draenor
  • He deosn't like Humans,as he has a small memory of them kicking him from,the now known zone as Rebel Camp,all down to the Gurubashi Arena area where they saw the hunting party...and ran
  • His parents were apparently from the Skullspitter Tribe,and live in The Ruins of Zul'Mamwe.