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Highlord Morkho Rockstormer of The Twilights Hammer Clan.

Physical Traits

Morkho is an elder orc, with age his large tusks have turned yellow and his hair white. His skin is sickly green and he carries all the traditional signs of the demonic corruption the orcs had to suffer.

What makes him stand out is his obesity. While most orcs remain athletic through out their lives, Morkho has let himself go, being a superior within his clan allowed him to be lazy and gluttony, He tries to hide his flabby gut and extra chins with layers of clothing or make up for it by waring impressive robes.

Race and Class

Orc Warlock


<Twilights Hammer Clan>


Grand warlock and leader of the Twilights Hammer's efforts in northern and central Kalimdor.


Morkho was born into the Shattered Hand Clan long before the destruction of the Orc's homeworld. His clan was more focused on melee combat hence it only held a handful of shamans. Morkho was destined to become one of them and not before to long he had surpassed all of them. He earned the name "Rockstormer" with his deed of summoning such massive winds and lightning it cut down a mountainside and crushed an entire ogre warband. (The true story behind this event may be different, but this is how Morkho will tell it.) He was respected by his clan and it was certain he would one day become the elder shaman, but one incident caused him so much shame that he decided to leave the clan. He wandered Draenor for quite some time.

Until one day he realized he had no shamanic power anymore. Frightened and confused he sought out the orc he thought he could help: the elder shaman of the Shadowmoon Clan, Ner'zhul. Morkho learned that a lot had changed, the orcs were now known as "The Horde" and that most shamans were now warlocks.

Morkho adapted quickly to the new powers, they fitted him perfectly. Time passed and Morkho found himself in one of the inner circles of the Shadow Council, he had even found a new clan - The Twilight's Hammer, led by Gul'dan's very own apprentice Cho'gall. To this day Morkho has been with the Twilight's Hammer, Utterly loyal to the ogre mage and his vision of the apocalypse.

Family Background

Morkho was born into the Shattered Hand Clan, the only son of a common Orc couple. Morkho was not playful, he had been chosen to walk the path of the shaman at a really young age, it was all he could focus on, everyone were certain he would grow into the mightiest shaman the clan had seen in 100 years, making his parents very proud of him. His father died at the hands of Ogres and he lost all contact with his mother after leaving the Clan.

Criminal Record

Morkho was in one of the highest circles of The shadow council and was believed slain after Doomhammer's attack on it.

Current Status

Working harder than ever & surrounded by foolish trolls.
