European Steamwheedle Cartel


Lady Nosane Deephope (of Darrowshire)

Physical Traits[]

A brief description of physical appearance and objects of note.

Race and Class[]

Human Holy Priest


Stormwind Academy.


I search the guide of the Light. I am a master of Potion making, and a devoted Herbalist. My guild is my family.


Father: Nosor. Current Status: missing. Rumours: Drunk mad man; escaped the cautivery of Tyr's Hand after being "secured" there during the Plague of NOrth Lordareon.

Sister: Noskure. Current Status: Missing. Background: Noskure is an blood elf. Nosane's, Nosun's and Noskure's grandmother on their mother side was a blood Elf, escaped from Silvermoon when her connections with the Human Herbalists was discovered and forced to flee into the wild.

Brother: Nosun. Current Status: Missing. Last time Nosane saw him, he was 3 months old and was forced to leave with Noskure when the reputation with the Blood Elves from Silvermooon was downed.


I used to live in a nice small house in Darrowshire, in what is now know as Eastern Plaguelands. I used to swim in the lake south of Corin's cross, and there i learnt the use of the fishing pole.

Mother used to cook at the Inn in Darrowshire and Dad had been a warrior at the service of the Silver Hand; after retiring he started teaching me some Light basics so i wouldnt be tempted to enter Shadow Magic.

Nights were noisy and party kept going on almost every night, until one day it started to fade away; then next week we could hear screams and loud shouts. I was never told what it was; on the second week of silence, Dad and 20 other men from town went into the obscure woods to find and fight whatever it was... They never came back.

Mother and I waited one more week for Father to come back. We could now hear screams during the day!! Mother decided to stay and help at the Inn while I was sent to Northshire Abbey to begin my studies.

I never wanted to hurt anyone that's why I joined the Priest training, and because I already knew part of the Light philosophy I thought I might be of better use.

On my first year at the Abbey, I read all I could to understand what had happenend in my homeland. I ended up finding it. The Scourge was its name. A plague of undead with huge skills in dark and shadow magic had been what had erased my lovely province. According to what I read, the whole Plaguelands were taken by those beasts or Scourge.

I used to have a Tauren friend, a shaman who was an old friend of Mother. He once said: "Everything happening here will end up in my land accros the Vast Sea, if it affects thee it affects me". It is weird since almost everything I've read about Tauren race seems to be negative; just because their people have joined the Horde doesnt mean they are against the Alliance.

My war is against the Scourge, and I will only be free when those get extinguished.

When I get enough experience I must travel back to Darrowshire and look for Mother's grave. Books said a terrible desease affected all remaining townfolks and most got incinered in order to avoid converting to the Scourge.

I must see the grave, only then I will know where my path is taking me.

Light Protect me and we will slain the Plague!

Family Background[]

Brief summary of family history.

Criminal Record[]

Include or omit acording to the case.

Personal Notes[]

Current Status[]
