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Orren Ke'Thal, Seekers Master

Physical Traits[]

Orren has very pale skin with silvery white hair. In the years before her intense delve into all things magic took its tole, her hair was red. She is nearing her middle years, the equivalent of about 35-40 human years. Her movements are always controlled, and she has a tense grace.

Race and Class[]

Blood-elf Mage


Shadowspear Seekers


Orren is one of the council of leaders of the Shadowspear Seekers and spends much of her time on work associated with the guild and its members. She is also a tailor and an enchantress of some skill, and makes the odd coin providing portals for those that need them.


Mother: Antilla Ke'Thal, deceased Father: Calebeon Ke'Thal, deceased Sister: Ilthanya


Orren grew up near Ethander Tha'Laar, and to date, he remains her oldest and dearest friend, though in their younger years, they were far more than friends. He is one of the few she confides in. Ethander was the one who convinced her to step outside her self imposed detachment from the world and join in a worthy cause. Despite her experiences, Orren remains convinced that with hard work and diligence, anything can be achieved.

Family Background[]

Orren is the oldest of two daughters born to Antilla and Calebeon Ke'Thal. Her upbringing was one of privalage mixed with responsibility and was largely unremarkable. She, in fact, remained ignorant of much of the harshness of life until much much later, believing that most people were basically straightforward and moralistic. Her view was changed forever following the murder of her mother by a political rival, and the subsequent implication of her father with involvement in the crime. Though never proven, Orren's relationship with her father was ever after a strained one. Following her mother's death, she took a large role in the upbringing of her younger sister Ilthanya who was only an infant when their mother died.

Criminal Record[]


Personal Notes[]

Those who know Orren best know her to be caring and loyal, but very reserved and controlled in nature, with the exception of the time when she works her magic. Then her fiery passion shows to its full extent. She is out-spoken regarding issues she finds important.

Current Status[]

Actively busy helping to lead the Shadowspear Seekers.
