European Steamwheedle Cartel

Shadow Hunter Win'Kuen[]

Physical Traits[]

A Jungle troll of average height but rather bulky for a Darkspear troll. During his years of traing as a shadow hunter he has gathered some unusual features like the bone from an enemy pierced through the nose and a tribal tattoo made by Kin'Weelay on his right arm.

Race and Class[]

Troll Shadow hunter (shaman)




Shadow Hunter

Know to freelance as a "magical and Spiritual advisor". One of his add can be found in Gadgetzan:

"Lost item found. Magical protection. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable rates. NO love potions. Jinxing you enemies. Or other entertainment

shadow hunter Win'Kuen"


He don't remember his parents, the only family his got have been Zalazane that raised him, then later when Zalazane got bad Shadow hunter Rok'han took over and started to train him as a Shadow Hunter,a job that he then later deliberately or unaware passed on to Bamboochaa.

He now consider the Members of Atal Loa his family.


He have been told that we was raised as an orphan under the Protecting wings of Zalazane that taught him many thing about the world of voodoo and Loa. During his traing as a voodoo priest his become pretty clear that Win'kuen lacked the fine finess and control over his powers that is required from such a proffesion, but what he lacked in magical finess he compensated with alot of raw magical potential and a physical strenght that no one in the tribe really got close to. HIs fellow tribesmen used to joke about him being "a berserker in a witch doctor poncho".

During the third war he made quite an rebritation as a part of one of thralls schock troopers and got the attention by the to shadow hunters Vol'jin and Rok'han.

Then when the war was finally over Rok'han begun in secret to train him in the arts of a Shadow Hunter, unfurtuneally Rok'han was assigned a secret mission from Vol'jin and dissappeared letting Win'kuen train by his own accord. A traing that took a new direction when he during a visit in Grom'gol meet Bamboo who showed a great deal off interest in him and decided to train him further.

Family Background[]

None recorded

Criminal Record[]

Because of his lack of fine finesse he have been known to do considerable damage on his suroundings when he is fighting a powerful foe.

Personal Notes[]

He is a sucker for Chivalry and never late to help "a lady in distress", becuase of this and his opionion that it is the mans job to protect the women in his suroundings he have got himself in quiet a lot of troubles.

He have never and will probably not ever understand women and as he put it "the mystical nature of da Wo'mon".

He is not very good with money, constantly broke and in search for work.

Current Status[]

Unemployed and a member of Atal Loa.
